Friday, July 23, 2010

Does it Matter?

"If you're setting yourself up to be the judge and jury over other people, watch out! God will judge you, in the same way, you judge them. So don't be too hard on other people (unless, of course, you want God to be exactly that hand on you)".

This was the exact words written on my sister's FaceBook wall that catches my attention.

In Romans 14:1-13 it was written "So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another." 

Knowing right from wrong does not require opinions. It does require facts though (so where's your fact?, I have mine). For example, the bible says you're not supposed to lust or put some lust imagination to another person because you can create sin in your mind and in your thoughts same as to another person, that was according to the bible, not mine.

Proverbs 6:25 Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes. If someone does steal, they have clearly gone against the teaching of the bible. Am I too religious di bagay hehehe. But hey see how that works. You can make good, moral decisions based on logic and facts with the bible as your guide and avoid the need to put yourself on a pedestal by calling the person "a thief" or someone who's trying to steal your privacy by just trying to be friends"(sorry for that). 

It's a small difference, but important. Calling someone a "thief" places you above him. In a sense, you are looking down on this person and believe that you are superior. This view of your fellow man is NOT what Jesus wanted. This feeling of superiority is the seduction of judging others. Avoid this. Don't judge. Does it matter? Yes, it does. Use facts, logic and the bible to make good decisions. I hope I am making the right decision.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mother's Pride

My Wordless Wednesday

Just love to picture my little Lovi she's growing each day no words can describe her for a mother like me.

A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous...full of beauty and forever beautiful...loving and caring and truly amazing.--Deanna Beisser

World of Make Believe

This verse rings a bell to my ears because when I was still single and so idealistic marriage for me and building a family was as simple as 1,2,3. I believed then that as simple as loving each other can make our world go rounds. 
But children came and problems arise my wonderful merry go round world crumbled one by one into small pieces. I thought then that having a simple family of my own can take away all my loneliness that my mother left behind. 

As of this moment, I still felt the loneliness sometimes especially when I had to argue with my husband with so many nonsense discussions but I still thank God for giving me a loving, responsible and not so perfect husband (kung hindi wala ng thrill). 

Sometimes before I also believed that marrying someone can make my life complete but later on in my married life I have to realize that being married doesn't make me a complete human being, but the complement that me and my husband always made to each another makes us a better individual just like what in the bible said, 

Proverbs 27:17

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another". so we can consider our spouse as the other individuals that can sharpen us and vise versa.

I am currently reading a book recently publish by Bo Sanchez though I was not able to download the entire book first the chapter only, but it's already out in the market (pero wala pang pambili hehehe). It touches my heart when I've read this, that according to Mother Theresa, "that the hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread". 

Mother Theresa was right, we are all longing to love and to be love. My husband and I had so many arguments in our 10 years of marriage, we had so many differences like family backgrounds, different principles, different goals, different likes. 

We are two totally different individuals, but I may say that we have one thing in common that we know how to define the word love in particular. I may say that I was lucky enough to found someone like my husband that despite our differences he doesn't stop there from loving me. 

And I believed that before we venture in this so called married life we are so sure that we are already two different mature individuals who talk openly about how not to hurt anybody and feel sorry for ourselves. 

So if someone's trying to ruin our relationship, I believed that they must be someone who's credible enough to believe in what they are doing. Because after many trials and after reading the first chapter of Bo's book, I am now sure that as long as we love each other we can survive, as long as we have God in the middle we will always stay where we are.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Batter Late than Never

They say it is better Late than Never...Happy Birthday to the two most influential people in my life...Mom( July 4) and Dad (July 6) Happy Birthday!!!. They are the main reason why I still believed in Lasting Love. That despite their differences they survive this cruel world and the so called married life.

And this video goes for them. Thank you, Ma and Tang for making our family a loving one.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Facing the Giants - More To This Life

I've never written on this blog for quite sometimes because I might hurt someone's feelings unintentionally, and who will read my blog accidentally misinterpret my writings.

We have to face it, blogging sometimes becomes an outlet or shock absorber especially by someone like me who was so emotional.

These past few months It didn't feel right because of some unavoidable circumstances brought about by the net. I lost interest in surfing the net (baka ano pang makita at mabasa ko) and into blogging also. 

But somehow I've realized that no one can dictate me on what to do especially if that person doesn't have any credibility at all (bato bato sa langit tamaan may bukol hehehe). 

While writing this, me and my husband just finished watching the movie entitled "FACING THE GIANT", well that was our favorite past time to watch a tear-jerking movie together (so lucky to have husband who was not ashamed to cry with me for a very wonderful movie just like this) because according to oldies look for a man who was not ashamed to cry in front of you, for surely it was not a sign of weakness but a proof that he will be a loving and caring man you've ever known. 

And proven old people never goes wrong because they've been there and experience it. Facing the Giant was a great film of FAITH, BELIEVE IN GOD and believe in yourself. 

It says when God is with you who is against you. While watching this movie, I've realized that what happened in our lives had something to do to make our life more meaningful to be more proactive. People who hate us, who will curse us without our knowledge, who will say something bad about us without even trying to know us before they judge us. 

They are all part of life, and I still thank God for them. For without them, my life would not be as meaningful and as colorful as it may seem. To God be the Glory.

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