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When we decided to home school our children, we knew that as a parent, we will be taking most of the part in our children's education. That we should set his study habits, outlook in life, their mindset and their motivation in learning. We knew that it was not simple but we believed that our children's are God given gift and if we want to pass on our values to them we should not take any chance trying to give others the authority to predict our children's future we should be the one predicting their future.
This is a personal family blog of usual Filipino family, sharing their knowledge and experiences and discussing about family, how to bring up children, how they started home schooling, how they manage their personal finances, how to save for their future retirement year and other related topic about family struggling for survival in the modern world outside their comfort zone. Their family is still a work-in-progress, they had a share of ups and down but they are still grateful that they are always in to it as a family no matter what. The wife created this blog for their children to chronicle their experiences while homeschooling them, how they were able to survive their financial situation, and their every step of the way as their children grow old.
The author does not have any expertise in all matters. Because no one seems to tell them how to handle situation when a child started to explore their world around them, how to rear and handle children as they grow old, and how to be a first hand mother because there is no such thing as Motherhood University. No one also seems to inform them about how to handle their financial situation when they decided to start a family. They came from a poor family and no one seems to be interested in becoming rich not filthy rich but truly rich. According to them they might die poor and their children next generations might have the same faith just like them and they don't want that to happen. Because they really believed that children are really the future of every nation.
You might also find this blog useful if you’d like to home school your children, how to save for their future education, how to handle situation when they've started exploring their own world, how to gain financial literacy and so on. The author will post some useful links, site, e-books and tips base on her experiences that might be helpful to others.
At present the couple are both living in Malaysia as an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) together with their children. She currently working as a librarian in one of the prestigious international school. While the husband is an IT Engineer in one of the best international IT company. They are trying their best to equipped their children in all areas of their lives. And hopefully they will succeed.
Family Motto
"We can do all things through Christ who strengthen us"
"What ever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve" -- by Napoleon Hill
"Winner never quits, Quitter never wins"