This is the first time that I miss having ashes on my forehead. I remember back then when I was still young we use to joke around with classmates and friends after mass and having this ashes on our forehead. By then I really don't know what Ash Wednesday was all about, until I became serious with my religion and faith. Now I know that Ash Wednesday was the beginning of the season of lent, Lent was a Christian tradition which the main purpose was the preparation of the believer or christian for the easter by means of prayer, penance and alms giving and self denial of bad habit, and the climax of this was the Holy Week. In the Philippines Holy Week was highly celebrated, that sometimes we Filipino forgot the real meaning of lent (though not everyone) there are still others or most of us respect the lent and the holy week. Lent for others are just a mere belief and practice but lent must be celebrated by serious penance, reflection and fasting. Others ask themselves if they need to do all of these maybe yes, maybe no. Yes because man indeed is free to obey or disobey, but once sinned we must ask for pardon, no because we must not ask forgiveness only during lent or holy week, we must make it habit that if we sinned we must ask forgiveness and this is applicable in our relationship and daily living if we wanted it to be peaceful and happy. Reflection on the other hand it is a healthy habit and it was proven that reflection is good for our health the most effective way to reflect was to meditate. According to Rudolf Steiner an Austrian Philosopher and Social thinker " A healthy social life is found only when in the mirror of each soul the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living". Upon reading this quote I remember I will also miss the Philippines election, another well celebrated event in the Philippines this was held during summer right after holy week by then our politician seems to forget the real meaning of lent, easter and holy week because as of this time they are all busy campaigning because of their eagerness to win so help me pray for them and hopefully this coming Philippines Election all of our politician will play the game honestly and peacefully, and for voters let us pray for an honest and clean election.
Di ka makakain ng holy week na pagkain ...LOL ... saan ka pala sa pinas leng?
I will post the beautiful blogger before the weeks ends ... LOL! busy si mama! yaks...
hehehe oo nga...sa Pampanga ako...Angeles City...Ya no problem what is important is i find your blog beautiful, inspiring...and informative too hehehe...
Leng, Sa wakas .... napost ko na rin ... salamat ha!
All the best to your boys, you and your girl.
hahaha mukhang ilang araw mong pinag isipan a hehehehe thanks also and welcome...
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