Everyday Bliss, Memo, Reviews and Happenings in the Life of an Inconsistent Mother
- Bible verse (10)
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Thursday, October 28, 2010
Quote # 2
You are worried about seeing him spend his early years in doing nothing. What! Is it nothing to be happy? Nothing to skip, play, and run around all day long? Never in his life will he be so busy again. ~Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile, 1762
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Quote #1
You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance. ~Franklin P. Jones
Sunday, October 3, 2010
While having thought of the past events happened in my relationship with God and with the people around. I came across with this passage that really struck me with thunder in my heart. Forgiveness for sure was the hardest thing we can do to someone but if we are going to read verses about forgiveness it will surely change your mind just like me.
On Matthew 18:21-22 "Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."
WHAT???? can I do that Lord? Proceed...
Then on Luke 6:37 Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
Okay, this sounds a little bit convincing because I don't want to be judged, but what if? Proceed...
Also on Matthew 6:14-16 For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Mark 11:25 And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.
But this one really made me realize because I always told my children that in our home we should always follow the Golden Rule and the Rest will follow.
From the parable of the Unmerciful Servant
Matthew 18: 32-35 "Then the master called the servant in. 'You wicked servant,' he said, I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow-servant just as I had on you?' In anger, his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured until he should pay back all he owed. This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart."
I don't want to be tortured and punish so I pray to God to give me more courage to forgive those who sinned against me, after all I am also a sinner. How about you did you already ask yourself this question "How many times should you forgive your enemy who sinned against you? just a thought.
Bible verse
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Bill Gates 11 Rules You Will Never Learn In School
When my husband and I decided to homeschool our children, I have this Big Question on my mind...Am I doing The Right thing? Then I began to get interested with people who are being homeschooled and I found so many famous persons out of curiosity. Da Vinci was one of them, Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell the two most famous inventors of all time. But little did we know that most of the successful individuals nowadays are mostly homeschooler because they drop out of school at an early age. With the coming of information age, a lot of successful personality in their chosen field started to affirm the public that school was necessary, but it was not the biggest factor to consider to be successful in your chosen career. Before this I posted videos about the speech of Steve Jobs in one of the prestigious university in the United States well no one doesn't know who Steve Jobs was I supposed CLICK HERE if you want to watch it. And recently Bill Gates gave a speech to all the High School Graduating class about the 11 Rules You Will Never Learn In School and I want to share it with you. Enjoy watching.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
I am reposting this once again since I blog this before way back on the other side of the blog world when I was still working in a University. I've read it in one of our magazine subscriptions. But now just a few minutes ago, I've just found out that there was a video on it so I just want to share it with you. I've learned to love Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and Pixar animation, creator of toy stories (I've watched it 10X actually my children love it). It was all started when my brother-in-law sent an e-mail about this speech on one of the best university in the U.S. From that day on I've become a fan and because out of curiosity I've started to read his biography.
Actually I loved reading biographies of different successful people. I had several collection of them at home, the like of Lucio Tan on how he got his first millions, Gokongwei on how he struggled his childhood before he became rich since he became fatherless at a very young age and he took the responsibility and obligations to his siblings because he was the eldest. How Henry Sy started Shoe Mart (SM SuperMall now), why Warren Buffett donated her billions to Bill Gates foundation and how Bill Gates started Microsoft on their garage and now me and my husband are currently fascinating to read Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad teachings. I was fascinated with their life's failure and how they became successful not only on their financial aspect but success as a whole, is it easy?
Upon reading Steve Jobs autobiography I've learned that we have lots of things in common except of course of his Billions and millions of money hehehe, but we're not far behind with our millions of credit, I know we are leading the same path hehehe. Seriously Steve Jobs gave me the courage to fulfill the dreams I wanted to accomplish. Let me site some instances on his life that I consider meaningful (I've read it on Women's Journal)
* Connect the Dot= in his speech he told the newly graduates that it was all started before he was born. Steve Jobs was being adopted because his biological mother decided to give him a better life maybe, not knowing that someday he will be somebody. Upon growing up he experiences different wrong decisions, he was a college drop out, but later on in his life he realize that it was all part of life. And that's how I see my life I am trying to connect my dot in different situation as what Steve Jobs says "You just have to trust in something--your gut, destiny, life, karma this approach has never let him down and it has made all the difference in his life and I'm sure it will never let me down too. Just to mention a glimpse of my life. I had several failed relationship but if that relationship became successful I don't think that I will have the best relationship ever in my life with my husband now.
* Second was about Love and Loss=Steve Jobs found what he loved to do early in life. He started apple at 20 he work hard and in 10 years apple had grown from the garage into a $2 billion company with 4,000 employees. Early in life I know what I wanted to be and how I wanted to be. I've just wanted to have a simple but better life. I've just wanted to finish college, have a decent job and fulfill my mother's dream. But everything was shattered when my mom left me for a while just to fulfill that dream that she wanted for me. I was lost since I was so pampered I felt she was just so selfish fulfilling those dreams for me that I didn't even wanted at all. But sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick (according to Steve). Just don't loose faith and suddenly after 10 years of wishful thinking I've realized that what happened was merely a preparation for my future, to be strong in whatever trials and suffering may come my way, to be able to embrace all the hardship life's may bring, to be able to appreciate simple things and be satisfied.
* Death= last quarter of 2006 I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer first came into my mind was am I going to die soon? I cried so hard because of my children. Before having this kind of sickness, I have this thought that I was ready to leave this cruel world after so many worst things had happened to us. But suddenly God gave me the reason to stop and listen. Listened to my inner world, to my inner feelings. What I really wanted and how I really wanted. I still wanted to see my children fulfill their dreams, I wanted them to remember me as a kind of mother who will always be there especially in times of trouble. I know this is my mission, my purpose in life, to make this three little creature to be somebody someday. "Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the best choices in my life" according to Steve because he was also diagnosed with cancer. Early 2007 my mother-in-law died which I consider one of the most influential person in my life aside from my mom. It was a sudden death it made an impact to me and my husband. Now we know where we wanted to go and how we wanted our life to be. "Our time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma--which is living with the result of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinion drown out your own inner voice"...Now we've learned and hopefully we are leading the road that only HIM knows the way.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Thy Will be Done
"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, they are plans for good, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11
After 9 years, it was proven that the word "ikayu na pung bahala" (your will be done) was the most effective way for me to ask for God's blessings because 9 years ago I only ask for a companion, but he gave me more than I ask for..."DIRECTION"
Today was my eldest son's birthday (Sept 05). Time really flies so fast and it seems like yesterday that I was condemned and crucify by just having him in my life (hehe just joking) because ten years ago I was judged by different people with different point of view. With the kind of society, we have sometimes you are being judged without knowing the real score behind the story.
I ask God at that time to give me a companion. But instead He delivers different individual to make my life quiet miserable. I never understand then why, but I've tried everything to face with courage every challenge that comes my way. Honestly, I was scared then but it's true when no one seems to listen that's the only time that you will find the answer and the real purpose from within.
Now I know And these are my purpose. |
And this is
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Proud Mom #1 White Wednesday
With technology nowadays we believe that children can learn on their own faster than we can ever imagine. That is why my husband and I decided to homeschool our children a year ago to give them some head starts on their own. With this, we also decided to enroll them in Kumon, a center which started and developed by Toru Kumon so that they can focus on two important subject Math and English without so much pressure.
Just a Glimpse What is Kumon? and why we believe so much in this
In 1954, a Japanese high school mathematics teacher named Toru Kumon, began to teach his eldest son due to his problem in math subject at school. Toru Kumon developed the Kumon Method, it is a math and reading educational method that is now practiced in Kumon's own learning centers. The Kumon Method advocates several values of learning that include speed, accuracy and mastery of material before a student is able to move on to the next lesson which is my children are currently practicing now.
The below photos are my son's Kumon worksheet that are being hung around at the Kumon center they are presently attending. They are being hung on their wall as a motivation to the student to continuously get perfect and a high score on their own. I am very proud to picture them because since we started attending the Kumon center a lot of development was made to my son and he improves every day together with his bro and younger sister.
Just Trivia
Did you know
In 1956, Kumon opened the first Kumon Center in Osaka, Japan with the help of parents that were very interested in the Method. In 1958, he founded the Kumon Institute of Education, after which Kumon Centers began to open around the world. Since 1956, some 20 million students have been enrolled in Kumon. Today, there are around 4 million Kumon students worldwide.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Faith Like Potatoes #5 Mellow Yellow Monday
Watching this film makes me realized that successful individuals come along with faith. That history provided us thousands of success stories of people down the ages who have faced death with an unshakeable faith and triumphant spirit. Faith like Potatoes shows why God has no favoritism, that the rules are the same for all of us. And that there is only one thing to gets God's attention and that is faith.
Monday, August 30, 2010
It should be 80/20
According to some successful individuals or some brainy spiritual people I may say, there is these rule of the thumb that in many instances 80% of the what happened to us stem from 20% of the causes. Very few people know and apply this secret, that is why millions of people are unhappy, stress, has lots of problems, and heartache. They never seem to be a success in life. Terrible things seem to be constantly in their shoes. Bad days follow after bad days. Worry consumes time, anger breaks friendships, theirs is constant stress, lack of joy, and broken relationships. and life seems dreary and is not enjoyed to the fullest.
What is this 20% of life made up? It is what happens to us. Then the 80% of it was decided by how we reacted. What does this mean? We really have no control over 20% of what happens to us. We cannot control our husband, relatives and friend to make bad decisions sometimes, just like us they are just only human being. They may hurt us unconsciously others may hurt us so badly because of their selfish reaction but hey they didn't control our minds to make our life miserable. Don't let people fool you. WE can control how we react! That is the other 80% that makes the difference. Let me give you some example base on my experience.
4 years ago my husband and I venture into a business which we didn't study carefully. No need to elaborate, but what happened was now a history hehehe...But we did not let our disposition to crumpled and breakdown, even though the business collapse we are not discouraged by what happened to us. Yes. we stop the business, but we are still positive that someday we can do another try and make it happened. With that business we've learned to study our retirement life, we are starting to be careful with our finances. Same as when a devil enters our relationship, we've just learned to know more about each other, became aware of our needs and now more conscious and courteous to each other.
I believe now that in every negative there is a positive and in every bad instance there is a blessing in disguise. That sometimes being nice to the people you don't like isn't called two faced, it's called growing up (thank God I grow and she doesn't because she rejected my friendship bitter till now). That 1o years of being together we've learned that in our everyday life don't let others control you. Because we have the power to rule over our lives, we have the power to be happy, not to be miserable, to enjoy every second of the day. And I used that verses because I believe that we must not fear what kills the body, like how people treated you, how others looks upon you. We must be more aware and afraid of both what kills the body & the souls. Now ask yourself can YOU control how you react!
Bible verse,
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Wordless Wednesday:A Father's Love
Lovi's 4th Bday (August 10, 2010)
A gift from a Father's Love
Why can't we force ourselves to laugh, smile and enjoy like a child? The answer lies inside you. |
1.Have you ever observed a child laughing, playing and giggling with excitement?
2. Have you ever noticed that sparkle of enthusiasm that glistens within their eyes?
3. Do you remember a time back when you were innocent, happy and fulfilled?
4. Do you remember a state of unbridled childlike happiness?
After almost two years of staying at home and observing my children, I've realized that In this day and age true unbridled childlike happiness seems elusive and somewhat unexpected. Our responsibilities, deadlines, chores, tasks, goals and problems have created an “objective” oriented society that places a higher level of importance on achievement rather than on the experience of happiness (thank God my children made me realize). Each day we search for answers, for the answers that will help us find the true fulfilment we are seeking to bring into our lives. Yet because of our goal oriented habits, we simply fail to take the time to smell the roses, to enjoy life, and to revel in the finer pleasures that bring joy and happiness to a somewhat otherwise mundane existence. So how do we break out of this pattern? How do we overcome this robotic cycle that forces us to work and behave like Zombies all day long? Well, these answers are actually much more straightforward than one might ever imagine, and it all begins with our orientation. But we can break this cycle by just practising doing things below.
Try these:
1.Smile Often (masasanay ka rin)
2. Eat Healthy (singsarap pero di singmahal)
3. Sleep Restfully (best gift you can give to yourself)
4. Experiment with Living (don't be afraid to make mistakes major major lang yan they are just lesson to learn)
5. Set Goals (It's not bad to want something worth living for)
6. Prioritize (People & Time are something cannot be replaced)
7. Seek New Learning (Nandyan ang internet)
8. Simplify Your Life (live one day at the time)
9.Celebrate Your Achievements (like birthday, waking up in the morning)
10. Act through Your Passions (Facebook hehehe)
11. Pamper Yourself (be happy huwag pahirapan sarili)
12. Find Humor and Laughter(sanayin ang sarili tumawang magisa haha joke lang)
13. Learn to Accept Your Circumstances (Mmmmmmm)
14. Choose to be Happy (Now)
15. Forgive Others (Mahirap pero kailangan)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Read my Mind
For books are more than books, they are life, The very heart and core of age past. The reason why men lived worked and died. The essence and quintessence of their lives.--Amy Lowell
Way back on my younger days, I remember that reading was not part of my system. When I was in grade school and high school I was so lazy reading books, playtime and watching TV was my great companion then, to the point that I even skip doing assignments and workbooks.
In our family, books were not introduce to us in our early years as part of learning to enjoy, and I just began seeing books as I enter school and I was already force to use it for my studies. Maybe that was the main reason why I became lazy, uninterested, and unhappy in reading because I was force then. But I've learned how to read tagalog comics because mom always bought some after she went to the market and I love reading them because of their colorful drawings and great stories of everyday lives that I can relate easily.
But as I enter college everything was change, my understanding and point of view in studying turns 90 degrees and reading became part of my everyday activity by force. Thanks to my ex dean and some of my old professor for their high standards in learning. As I finished college, maybe it was my destiny to work with so many books, even though I've tried so many times to change path on my career but my predetermined course still pull me inside the library and to be a librarian.
I began to appreciate books. In my most quiet moment books became my companion, from mending a broken heart to finding the right person, books became my reference (thank God I found one), to how to bring a great family, to solving problems, to financial aspect and so on and so forth.
So now that I am venturing another chapter in my life reading books was not as possible as it may seems because of my busy schedule on rearing 3 wonderful kids. But I've realize that I should not stop learning and finding ways and with technology now a days learning was not impossible. So I just want to share with you some website (Learn Out Loud) and (ThoughtAudio.com) they are audio books free to download recommended for mothers and for someone who has no time for reading.
In our family, books were not introduce to us in our early years as part of learning to enjoy, and I just began seeing books as I enter school and I was already force to use it for my studies. Maybe that was the main reason why I became lazy, uninterested, and unhappy in reading because I was force then. But I've learned how to read tagalog comics because mom always bought some after she went to the market and I love reading them because of their colorful drawings and great stories of everyday lives that I can relate easily.
But as I enter college everything was change, my understanding and point of view in studying turns 90 degrees and reading became part of my everyday activity by force. Thanks to my ex dean and some of my old professor for their high standards in learning. As I finished college, maybe it was my destiny to work with so many books, even though I've tried so many times to change path on my career but my predetermined course still pull me inside the library and to be a librarian.
I began to appreciate books. In my most quiet moment books became my companion, from mending a broken heart to finding the right person, books became my reference (thank God I found one), to how to bring a great family, to solving problems, to financial aspect and so on and so forth.
So now that I am venturing another chapter in my life reading books was not as possible as it may seems because of my busy schedule on rearing 3 wonderful kids. But I've realize that I should not stop learning and finding ways and with technology now a days learning was not impossible. So I just want to share with you some website (Learn Out Loud) and (ThoughtAudio.com) they are audio books free to download recommended for mothers and for someone who has no time for reading.
Here are some of the books I am currently listening that you might find them interesting:

Click here for link ---> From the Art of War
Click here for link---> Quotations of
And if you are looking for more, specially fiction and old classic book you can find most of them here (LibriVox). Now I can read/listen at the comfort of my mind. While washing dishes,doing laundry, while brooming, while preparing for food, and while cooking at my convenience hehe. ENJOY!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Does it Matter?

"If you're setting yourself up to be the judge and jury over other people, watch out! God will judge you, in the same way, you judge them. So don't be too hard on other people (unless, of course, you want God to be exactly that hand on you)".
This was the exact words written on my sister's FaceBook wall that catches my attention.
This was the exact words written on my sister's FaceBook wall that catches my attention.
In Romans 14:1-13 it was written "So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another."
Knowing right from wrong does not require opinions. It does require facts though (so where's your fact?, I have mine). For example, the bible says you're not supposed to lust or put some lust imagination to another person because you can create sin in your mind and in your thoughts same as to another person, that was according to the bible, not mine.
Proverbs 6:25 Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes. If someone does steal, they have clearly gone against the teaching of the bible. Am I too religious di bagay hehehe. But hey see how that works. You can make good, moral decisions based on logic and facts with the bible as your guide and avoid the need to put yourself on a pedestal by calling the person "a thief" or someone who's trying to steal your privacy by just trying to be friends"(sorry for that).
It's a small difference, but important. Calling someone a "thief" places you above him. In a sense, you are looking down on this person and believe that you are superior. This view of your fellow man is NOT what Jesus wanted. This feeling of superiority is the seduction of judging others. Avoid this. Don't judge. Does it matter? Yes, it does. Use facts, logic and the bible to make good decisions. I hope I am making the right decision.
Bible verse
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Mother's Pride
My Wordless Wednesday
Just love to picture my little Lovi she's growing each day no words can describe her for a mother like me.
A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous...full of beauty and forever beautiful...loving and caring and truly amazing.--Deanna Beisser
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